Tokyo & Yoko Massives....... and a lil of singapore...
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Well here where u can see my travels....

Singapore Massive In Malaysia
Well i big`d it up in Singapore for a couple of days and it was an experience and a half.... crazeee tall buildings and a shoppers paradise... bot really cheap but exciting..
Chill`n in the empires Gardens.....
This is where the Japanese royal family live.... nice park where you can acutally find some grass to sit on... but most of the park is closed unless your a japanese emperor.
Me getting bored and going crazeee on the trains
This pic was taken with my phone... just thought id add that... i made it that colour too... thats just an option... = )
Shibuya Massive at night..
This place is the freo of tokyo...... crazee weird dressed fashions and city market life... you buy anything and everything here or partee until the wee hours of the morning... crazee lights and sites evrywhere.... over whelming place..

Government Buildings of Tokyo... my office is on the top floor.
I watched the sunset from here on the top level and wow..... it was amazing... its free to go up and you can watch the sunset go down behind mt fuji... i would love to show everyone this something i will never forget... the lights that tokyo pumps out are incredible
Description of Product
Heres Shibuya again....
a peaceful street in tokyo...
Just another sceene...... its like this everywhere u look... this street is nothing special so when i say a peacful one... im not really joking.
Japans tallest building
70 storeys high.... u can go up it too... nice place to watch the sunset.

A wicked Japanese front garden....

My House..... we dont have a wicked garden ... but a good view
Our view is insane... u cant see it in this pic but its soo good that yesterday the channel 1 news team knocked on my door and asked me if they could film the weather report from the balcony.... nice...