About . . . AlexLBG's Space Station
LBG SPaCe StAtiOn HoMe

About Page

Contact The Man HimSelF

The TrUe MaSSivE

RiSinG SuN Yoko N Tokyo

SuRfing DowN UnDer

WesT Oz BeauTy

Hams the machine

RiSiNg SuN TrAvEls

Lbg LinkS


The Cd

Me Guest BooK

More Pics JApaN

More Pics St Louis

More Pics Hanging Out

Custom3 Page

Its Not A Website Its A SpaceStation!
I created this site for the benifits of every person i know and dont. Maybe you dont want to learn about me, but you can join in on all the festivities and yeild off the extensive knowledge center that is..... My Space Station! @_@

The History Behind AlexG
Greetings to all who are here....

i have created this site so that i can claim a piece of cyber space as my own..... my space station...

i was born in the united kingdom and have grown up in Perth Western Australia.

i was educated in the joondalup district all..... primary , secondary and universtity.

i have a degree in marketing and information systems and have worked for the following organisations.

- Coke Classic - Basketball ref

- Witches Cauldron - Waiter

- Challenge Sports Stadium - Events / Functions

- Datrax Computer Support - Supplies and Sales

- Guardian Data - Computer Technology

- Pheonix Toner - Printer Supplies and Sales

- ineedhits.com - Website Promotion

- Nova - Teaching English in Japan

My Crew
Respect to Inside True Family.....

My mum is best most tallented true individual i have ever known... love you mum.. no^one can replace my mother..

My father.... the coolest father... easy to chill with and learn from..a role model. dad you rock.

Respect to my older bro and family... my light when i cant see.. always looking up too and above all, always respect... you are my older bro.

Repspect to my sis and family... you are the best dam laugh this side of the world... always brings a smile to ya face...

Respect to Ken... always doing and teaching whats best for me... i have to take my hat off and thankyou

Respect to The Chosen outside Family....

Most of the original members of the J-lup massive are straight out the streets of Joondalup however over the past four years or so many international people have come through these parts and resided for some time.... Special thoughts and wishes go out to you and may Joondalup and the westaus live with you forever as you will with us.

Email Me!